(Hefei Online) "Policy" to help the industrial Internet the city issued ten awards and subsidies, up to 5 million yuan


The construction of industrial Internet innovation and development ecology is inseparable from the strong support of policies. Recently, the "Hefei City to support the development of industrial Internet several policies" (hereinafter referred to as the "several policies") released, focusing on platform construction, "intelligent transformation number", service provider cultivation, scene application, security and other ten awards and compensation measures, combined with the situation of different enterprises, targeted gradient support, the highest award of 5 million yuan.

Empower the construction of public service platform

Rongzhi Rixin, located in Hefei High-tech Zone, is one of the leading enterprises in the field of industrial Internet in the city. The intelligent operation and maintenance platform of industrial equipment built by it serves nearly 1,000 key enterprises and more than 55,000 real-time online care equipment, creating economic value of tens of billions of yuan for customers.

Iflytek, which is not far from Rongzhirixin, built IFLYtek TuringPlat Leaf platform with Internet of Things platform and big data platform as the base, with four AI capability platforms as the core, with industrial zero code platform and RPA platform as the key support, and built with "1+1+4+2" system architecture. It brings together more than 15,000 industrial application developers and more than 10,000 APPs, forming more than 400 typical scenario solutions.

Weitian Express Road Song platform is the largest digital freight platform in China, serving more than 80,000 users in the logistics industry, covering more than 3 million truck drivers. In order to deal with the freight obstruction and logistics difficulties caused by the epidemic at the beginning of the year, the company developed and launched the epidemic road condition sharing assistant, which has served more than 1 million drivers since late March.


The industrial Internet public service platform is the "operating system" of the new industrial system and an effective carrier of resource agglomeration and sharing. In recent years, the city has implemented 100 key industrial Internet platform cultivation special actions, built a multi-level industrial Internet platform system, in-depth promotion of "platform +" integration application, with "platform +" to promote research, production, supply, marketing and service coordination, regional coordination. At present, more than 30 key industrial Internet platforms have been cultivated, covering dual-span, industry-type, professional-type and regional.

The "Several Policies" clearly support the construction of industrial Internet public service platforms, for public service platforms that carry out services in the field of industrial Internet, software and hardware investment of more than 5 million yuan and service enterprises reach a certain scale, according to 30% of the platform investment to give up to 3 million yuan awards.

We will accelerate the development of 5G+ convergence applications

In recent years, the city has built more than 14,000 5G base stations, and 5G networks cover urban areas and key towns at the city and county levels. Approved the construction of Hefei national Internet backbone direct link point, opened the province's first international Internet data dedicated channel, built two comprehensive industrial Internet identification analysis secondary nodes, two under construction.

In order to make the industrial Internet foundation more solid, according to the "Several policies", in the future, the city will select 20 municipal 5G and manufacturing integration application demonstration projects every year, as well as 20 5G integration application demonstration projects in the fields of smart medical care, smart education, smart elderly care, smart tourism, smart transportation, smart government affairs, smart communities, and car networking. A one-time bonus of 100,000 yuan will be given.

At the same time, support the construction of secondary nodes of industrial Internet identification analysis, the construction and operation units of approved industries or regional industrial Internet identification analysis secondary nodes, according to 20% of their equipment and software investment subsidies, the maximum is not more than 3 million yuan.

The "Several policies" also makes it clear that the city will support the construction of industrial Internet demonstration projects and give demonstration projects a one-time award of 100,000 yuan; Select the "Top 10 Industrial empowerment" scenario project, and give a maximum of 5 million yuan award according to 20% of the intelligent hardware and software investment.

Use capital to help enterprises grow bigger and stronger

In addition to government support policies, the city will also promote the rapid expansion and strengthening of the industrial Internet through a variety of initiatives with the help of capital strength, including the establishment of the municipal industrial Internet key project database, and guide the existing industrial funds to give priority to supporting industrial Internet enterprises and key projects.

According to the "Several policies", the municipal government will guide the mother fund to participate in support of well-known fund management institutions, industrial chain leading enterprises and key research and development institutions, set up special funds around the key industrial chain, gather investment industrial chain element resources and enterprise projects, and promote the growth and development of the industrial chain. At the same time, strengthen the two-way promotion and in-depth docking between banks and enterprises, and recommend the financing needs of key enterprises and key projects to banks; Encourage financial institutions to actively connect with industrial Internet platform enterprises, explore financing methods such as intellectual property and data asset pledge, and innovate financial products.

In addition, in order to ensure the safety of the industrial Internet, the city will carry out special assessment of industrial Internet security through the government purchase of services. Enterprises are encouraged to carry out network security pilot demonstrations, and those identified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as national 5G application security innovation demonstration centers and network security technology application pilot demonstration projects are respectively given one-time awards of no more than 200,000 yuan.