Hefei New Technology New Product New model record management Measures (trial)


The following documents are transferred from the website of Hefei Science and Technology Bureau

Hefei New Technology New Product New model record management Measures (trial)

Article 1 In order to implement the spirit of the documents such as "Hefei Three-year Key Action Plan to Promote the transformation of Scientific and technological Achievements" (Co-organized (2021) No. 1), "Hefei Several Policies to Further promote the transformation of scientific and technological Achievements (Trial)" (Co-Administrative Office (2021) No. 7), play a driving role in the market, and promote the local application of new technologies, new products and new modes of transformation of scientific and technological achievements, These Measures shall be formulated to serve economic development, urban construction and improvement of people's livelihood.

Article 2 The term "new technology" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the technology which is tradable, transferable and has market prospects and which has been obtained by universities, research institutes, new research and development institutions and enterprises through original innovation, integrated innovation and introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation.

The new product refers to the use of new technical principles, new design concept development, production of new products, or in the structure, material, process and other aspects than the original product has been significantly improved, so as to significantly improve the product performance or expand the use of functions, and to improve the economic and social benefits have a certain role in the product.

The new model refers to the enterprise scientific and technological innovation products (technology) as the basis, the use of scientific and technological innovation means of management of various internal and external factors integration and reorganization, the formation of efficiency and unique competitiveness of the business operation model.

Article 3 The new technologies, new products and new modes mentioned in these Measures shall have independent intellectual property rights, technical indicators of similar technologies, products and modes shall reach the forefront level or above in the province, the technology is mature, the quality is reliable, can be traded, can be transferred and transformed, meet the relevant provisions and special requirements of the state, province and city on product production and sales, and the output shall reach a certain scale. It has better economic benefits and good market prospects. The applicant has the independent intellectual property rights of the applied products at home and abroad, or has obtained the right to use intellectual property rights according to law, has no intellectual property disputes, and has the technical ability to provide demonstration application scenarios.

New technologies, new products, new models around the integrated circuit, new display, biomedicine, artificial intelligence, quantum, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, energy saving and environmental protection, smart home appliances, photovoltaic and new energy, high-end equipment, new materials, network and information security and modern agriculture and other key development of the city's industrial fields, clearly planned in the local construction of demonstration application scenarios.

Article 4 The applicant shall be an enterprise or institution registered and established in this Municipality with the status of an independent legal person, and shall provide the following application materials:

1. Application for Filing of New Technology, New Product and New Model of Hefei City.

2. Hefei New Technology New Product New model demonstration application scenario Project Preliminary plan.

3. Explanatory materials of independent intellectual property rights (photocopies).

4. If the state, province and city have relevant regulations and special requirements for the production and sales of products, the materials and documents (copies) that meet the requirements of the products shall be provided.

5. Market prospect forecast analysis report, including technical level, market share analysis, economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits, in line with sustainable development and other aspects.

6. Other materials to be provided, Including loading a copy of the business license of the unified social credit code (name change to provide change approval notice), new technology, new products and new models of advanced and innovative explanation materials or expert arguments, sales contracts (invoices), enterprise standards, inspection reports issued by qualified third-party institutions, new reports or related certificates (copies stamped with the official seal of the unit ).

Article 5 Filing procedures:

1. The municipal technology bureau declaration notice to the release of the portal website (http://kjj.hefei.gov.cn/index.html).

2. The applicant shall submit the relevant declaration materials or directly submit the paper materials according to the requirements of the notice.

3. The science and technology departments of counties (cities) districts and development zones (hereinafter referred to as the county science and technology departments) shall be responsible for organizing the preliminary examination and on-site verification of the materials submitted or submitted by the reporting units within their jurisdiction. Those who meet the conditions shall be recommended to the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau in writing.

4. The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau is responsible for organizing the review of the application materials for new technologies, new products and new models recommended by the county and district science and technology departments, and after studying and publicizing no objections, the Municipal science and Technology Bureau shall formally record the documents in the form of documents.

Article 6 Hefei new technology, new products and new models are valid for 2 years from the date of filing, and the applicant unit may apply for filing again.

Article 7 For the demonstration scenario application projects that adopt the new technologies, new products and new models implemented in Hefei and meet the conditions after review, policy financial support will be given according to the "Several Policies of Hefei City to Further Promote the transformation of scientific and technological Achievements (Trial)" and the "Implementation Rules of Several Policies of Hefei City to Promote high-quality Economic Development in 2021 (Science and Technology Innovation Policy)" and other provisions.

Article 8 When applying for the record of new technologies, new products, new models, there is a serious breach of trust, such as providing false materials or data, the application for record shall be revoked, and will not be accepted within three years.

Article 9 These measures shall be interpreted by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and shall come into force on October 24, 2021 and be valid for 2 years.