Anhui Province "double recruitment and double introduction" to support the real economy development policy list - stable supply chain support policy


Anhui province "double recruitment and double introduction" to support the real economy
List of development policies

(October 2021, Article 343)

Second, stable supply chain support policy (46)
◈ 1. The average broadband and dedicated line charges for small and medium-sized enterprises will be cut by another 10 percent. The port construction fee will be cancelled and the lock fee will continue to be reduced by 10%. Freight vehicles with Anhui transport card enjoy a 15% discount policy on highway tolls. (Wanfa (2021) No. 9, led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Civil Air Defense Office, and the Provincial Department of Transportation)

◈ 2. For enterprises to build (purchase), renovate refrigeration storage, cold chain logistics vehicles, terminal refrigeration equipment, etc., with a total investment of more than 5 million yuan, all localities may provide appropriate subsidies according to a certain proportion of the investment. (Wanfa (2021) No. 9, municipal government responsible)

◈ 3. The "innovation + technology + industry + fund" innovation industry alliance shall be established by the leading departments of the ten emerging industrial chains in accordance with the market-oriented approach to smooth the communication channels of "language of science and technology" and "language of market". (Anhui Government Office (2021) No. 10, Provincial local Financial Supervision Bureau, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 4. Guide relevant industry associations, scientific research institutions, and financial institutions to jointly concentrate research and development needs, and carry out technological research in the way of "revealing the list of leaders" and "competitive horse racing". Accelerate the construction of a "government, industry, university and research fund" six integrated science and technology market, continue to publish, roadshow scientific research results transformation application business scenarios, encourage enterprises to carry out market development and commercial application around the scene, build scientific and technological achievements transfer, industrial transformation, capital support, project incubation integrated service chain. (Anhui Government Office (2021) No. 10, Provincial local Financial Supervision Bureau, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 5. Encourage the organic coupling of industrial chain enterprises and supply chain finance, and guide financial institutions to rely on "chain master" and "group master" enterprises to provide upstream and downstream small and medium-sized enterprises with comprehensive financial services such as loans, commercial bills, letters of credit, bill discount, factoring financing, and financial leasing. (Anhui Government Office (2021) No. 10, Provincial local Financial Supervision Bureau, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 6. Encourage leading enterprises to implement "leading + supporting" to drive development projects, and promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Sonic Valley of China through brand sharing, channel sharing, service outsourcing and product supporting, etc. For those who have signed the "leading + supporting" cooperation agreement and drive the annual sales revenue of each supporting product above 10 million yuan, Give leading enterprises a reward of 500,000 yuan for each supporting product. (Anhui Government Office Secretary No. 71 (2021), Provincial Economic and Information Technology Department and relevant municipal governments are responsible for)

◈ 7. Support the development of new infrastructure, promote 5G network, industrial Internet, Internet of things, etc. to take the lead in the layout of SoundValley Park in China, and promote the development of platform economy. The construction unit of the new infrastructure technology innovation public service platform can apply for special fund support according to 30% of the total investment of the platform project, the maximum of 30 million yuan for a single project, in accordance with the transfer of funds to equity, the relevant government investment company in accordance with the relevant management measures to confirm the proportion of equity, equity holding and equity withdrawal procedures. A comprehensive assessment of the economic development of the platform is carried out every year. According to the completion of economic development indicators such as the number of "double recruitment and double introduction" of the platform, the income of service enterprises, product sales, and the actual income of incubation enterprises, the platform with good actual operation results will be awarded up to 5 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 71, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance, and relevant municipal governments responsible)

◈ 8. Encourage the construction of famous software cities and parks, support the construction of software industrial parks at different levels, industrial innovation incubation parks, mass innovation Spaces, demonstration areas (smart towns) and innovative product consumption experience promotion centers, and give one-off subsidies of 50% of the total investment actually completed by the public service platform after expert review, with a maximum of 2 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 71, Provincial Economic and Information Technology Department, Hefei Municipal Government, Provincial Finance Department, Provincial Science and Technology Department, Provincial Natural Resources Department, and relevant municipal governments responsible)

◈ 9. Focusing on the transformation of emerging industries into services, we will vigorously develop new forms and models of business, such as service-derived manufacturing, industrial design, big data services, and supply chain management. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 10. Around the construction of "Anhui on the track", improve the layout of encrypted high-speed rail channels. Improve the railway freight terminal network, speed up the construction of a number of key port terminals, logistics parks, railway lines for industrial and mining enterprises, and further improve the coverage and accessibility of railway freight network. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 11. We will study and formulate policies and measures to strengthen the construction and management of water transport infrastructure, vigorously regulate the main waterways of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River, actively construct the waterways of major tributaries such as the Tuohui River and the New Bianhe River, speed up the implementation of the navigation project to connect the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, build the main framework of "one vertical, two horizontal, five and twenty lines" inland waterways, and integrate them into the Yangtze River Delta in multiple aspects. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Water Resources Department, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 12. Strengthen the construction of modern port clusters and promote the intensive, large-scale and specialized development of ports. We will promote the integration and upgrading of ports, and accelerate the construction of "two hubs and one center" in Wuhu, Maanshan and Anqing, and Bengbu and Huainan Huaihe shipping hubs and Hefei Jianghuai combined transportation centers. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Transportation, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 13. We will accelerate the use of new or updated vehicles in urban public transportation, postal services, sanitation, rental, and public affairs using new or clean energy vehicles. We will make overall plans for the construction of special charging power stations and fast charging piles, and promote the construction of integrated oil, gas, electricity and hydrogen energy service stations. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 14. Promote the upgrading of electric power facilities for inland waterway containers, car ro-ro ships, and inland waterway dry bulk carriers of 1,200 gross tons or above, and promote the upgrading of electric power facilities along the river and Huaihe wharfs in an orderly manner. We will accelerate the construction of the Wuhu liquefied natural gas (LNG) inland receiving (transfer) station and the LNG refueling terminal along the river. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Transportation, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 15. Relying on railway logistics bases, highway ports and inland ports, we will accelerate the construction of the second batch of provincial-level multimodal transport demonstration projects. We will promote the leapfrog development of combined public and rail transport and combined hot metal transport, encourage the development of river-sea transport, direct river-sea transport, ro-ro transport, fly-off transport and other modes of transport organization, and promote multimodal container transport. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Transportation, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 16. We will further implement new manufacturing projects, accelerate the transformation of the manufacturing industry into intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing, and service-oriented manufacturing, and develop and cultivate a number of specialized intelligent manufacturing system solution suppliers. Formulate and release the provincial green manufacturing project investment oriented plan, cultivate green design products, green factories, green parks, green supply chain "four-in-one" green manufacturing system. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 17. Build an urban green logistics system, encourage the development of green warehousing, cultivate a group of green circulation entities, and support the transformation and upgrading of existing railway and logistics yards into urban distribution centers. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 74, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 18. We will deepen the construction of passageways in the Dabie Mountain Old Revolutionary Base Area to connect 80 percent of counties with high-speed railways and all counties with expressways by 2025. We will upgrade and expand Anqing Airport, and plan to build Jinzhai Transport Airport and a number of general airports. Speed up the Yangtze River, Huaihe River main stream and Wanhe River, Fengle River waterway regulation and Linhuai Gang double-track lock construction, promote the Wanhe River new port, Anqing Port Changfeng operation zone phase II construction, build Anqing Jiang-sea combined transport hub, improve regional shipping capacity to reach the sea. (Anhui Political Office Secretary (2021) No. 78, led by Lu 'an City and Anqing City Government, Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Provincial Department of Transportation)

◈ 19. Focus on cultivating a number of cross-industry and cross-field integrated, industry-specific, region-specific, and professional-technology industrial Internet platforms, and support the construction of a number of enterprise-level industrial Internet platforms. Provincial awards and subsidies for cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms, up to 30 million yuan; Awards and subsidies for industry, regional and professional industrial Internet platforms at the provincial level, up to 10 million yuan; The enterprise industrial Internet platform will be given a one-time award of 1 million yuan at the provincial level. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 20. Expand the application of industrial Internet scenarios. Industrial Internet service providers are encouraged to create and promote overall solutions and integrated technology products for key industries and typical scenarios. Every year, the list of 100 dynamic scenarios of the industrial Internet is released by industry and field. It supports a number of 5G and industrial Internet typical scenarios, identification analysis applications, new model demonstration applications, and excellent solutions, and the provincial government gives a one-time award of 1 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 21. Support enterprises in carrying out intelligent transformation, increase the application of intelligent manufacturing equipment, advanced information technology, big data and artificial intelligence in product research and development, production control, operation management, logistics marketing and other aspects, and build digital workshops and smart factories. For the provincial digital workshop and smart factory, the provincial government will give enterprises a one-time award of 500,000 yuan and 1 million yuan respectively. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 22. Establish a resource pool of industrial Internet (cloud) service providers in Anhui Province, implement dynamic management, and provide services for subdivided industries and small and medium-sized enterprises. Encourage industrial Internet (cloud) service providers to give preferential treatment to small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises to purchase and use cloud computing resources and platform services, reduce the burden of user costs, and guide enterprise users to the cloud platform. Support a group of enterprises included in the provincial industrial Internet (cloud) service provider resource pool, according to the number and quality of service small and medium-sized enterprises to give a one-time award, up to 1 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 23. In view of regional industrial characteristics, support the construction of a number of industrial Internet innovation centers, experience centers, promotion centers, public service platforms, joint laboratories, training bases, etc. The provincial level will give one-time awards and subsidies in accordance with the proportion of no more than 20% of the investment, with a maximum of 5 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 24. Develop industrial Internet diagnostic and consulting services. We will support the provision of services to enterprises through government purchase, and strengthen cooperation with the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development, and the China Industrial Internet Research Institute. Carry out industrial Internet industry maturity assessment, basic research on industrial Internet technology, industrial Internet platform construction assessment and resource diagnosis of key enterprises, enterprise intelligent workshop (factory) testing and verification, industrial Internet information security assessment and other services. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 25. Industrial Internet platforms and cloud service providers and industrial enterprises are encouraged to fulfill their main corporate responsibilities, improve their network security management systems, enhance their security protection capabilities, and connect with provincial industrial Internet security situational awareness platforms. Support industrial enterprises and platform service providers to carry out industrial Internet network security classification and classification work, the provincial level in accordance with the proportion of no more than 50% of the project investment to give a one-time bonus, up to 1 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2021) No. 82, Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Provincial Communications Administration, and Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 26. At ports in Wuhu, Maanshan and other cities where conditions permit, a pilot operation mode of "direct loading" of imported cargoes alongside vessels and "direct loading" of exported cargoes upon arrival will be carried out for ships sailing direct routes. Reduce the proportion of manual examination of customs declarations, implement classified inspection and release at ports, further shorten the inspection and release time of imported mineral products and fresh agricultural products, and implement the "inspection and release before testing" for more qualified imported mineral products and other bulk resource commodities. (No. 1 of Anhui Fourth Most Office (2021), Hefei Customs and Provincial Port and Shipping Group are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

◈ 27. Continue to implement the policy of abolishing cargo harbor fees, vessel inspection fees, and ship registration fees, and continue to implement the preferential policy of lock entrance fees for ships. (Anhui Fourth most Office (2021) No. 1, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Transportation, the provincial Water Resources Department, municipal governments responsible)

◈ 28. Support relevant enterprises to attract upstream and downstream enterprises around the industrial chain, and provide subsidies for new projects with a total investment (excluding land price) of 100 million yuan or above in accordance with the "triple, one innovation" policy. For each company that successfully attracts a registered capital (actually in place, the same below) of 100-1 million yuan and the annual main business income of more than 50 million yuan of bio-based new materials, a one-time reward of 1 million yuan will be given to the attracting company; For each successfully attracting a registered capital of 1 billion yuan or more and the annual main business income of more than 100 million yuan, a one-time reward of 2 million yuan will be given to the attracting enterprise; The maximum reward for a single attracting enterprise is 10 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office (2020) No. 2, local government responsible)

◈ 29. For the identified e-commerce business entities whose rural products exceed 10 million yuan in uplink, a one-time reward of up to 1 million yuan or less will be given according to the uplink network sales. To promote the "e-commerce enterprise + base + professional cooperative + farmer" model, e-commerce enterprises and agricultural bases or professional cooperatives signed a stable purchase and sales agreement of 2 years or more and the annual purchase amount of more than 500,000 yuan, to give them in the cooperative agricultural base or professional cooperative network sales of 5% of the purchase amount, up to 200,000 yuan one-time reward. (Anhui Government Office (2020) No. 12, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 30. Support qualified e-commerce enterprises to participate in provincial and above agricultural products exhibition and sales activities, and provide subsidies of less than 50% for booth fees and personnel expenses according to regulations. For counties (cities and districts) that organize and carry out activities such as rural e-commerce production and marketing docking and live promotion, a subsidy of 5% of the online sales amount of each activity and a cumulative maximum of 100,000 yuan will be given. (Anhui Government Office (2020) No. 12, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 31. The provincial special fund for e-commerce development grants 20% of the investment up to RMB 1 million for the construction and renovation of the circulation facilities and equipment related to the development of e-commerce for agriculture-related e-commerce enterprises and agricultural products circulation enterprises; For agricultural e-commerce enterprises that rent refrigeration-related circulation facilities and equipment, a subsidy of 20% of the rent and a maximum of 200,000 yuan will be given. (Anhui Government Office (2020) No. 12, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 32. For overseas warehouses with a construction area of more than 3,000 square meters and an annual turnover of warehouse goods of more than 5 million US dollars, 5% one-time support will be given according to the fixed assets investment of the current year, and a single enterprise can reach 2 million yuan; For leasing public overseas warehouses, annual overseas online sales of more than $2 million, and the annual use cost of overseas warehouses exceeds $50,000, 10% of the annual use cost of overseas warehouses will be given financial support, and a single enterprise can reach 300,000 yuan. (Anhui Shangming Telegram (2020) No. 23, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance is responsible for)

◈ 33. We will promote the opening of large scientific research instruments and experimental facilities in scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning to scientific and technological start-ups. For the management units of large scientific instruments and equipment and facilities that are included in the provincial instrument and equipment sharing service platform open to the community (a single price of 300,000 yuan and above, a complete set of prices of 1 million yuan and above), the province grants equipment management units according to the proportion of their annual income of rental instruments and equipment not more than 20%, and each unit subsidy can reach up to 5 million yuan. For the units that rent the above instruments and equipment to develop new products, new technologies and new processes, the city (county) where they are located shall grant subsidies to the rental units according to the proportion of their annual expenditure of renting instruments and equipment not higher than 20%, and the subsidy for each unit can reach up to 2 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2019] No. 18, Provincial Science and Technology Department, municipal and county people's governments responsible)

◈ 34. Actively promote the expansion of cross-border e-commerce online purchases of bonded imports, and provide special financial support to cross-border e-commerce enterprises whose annual online sales of imported goods reach more than US $500,000 through online integrated service platforms. (Anhui Government Office (2019) No. 33, Provincial Department of Commerce, Hefei Customs)

◈ 35. All municipalities are encouraged to reward container enterprises, carrier and shipping enterprises, freight forwarding companies engaged in heavy container agent business and settlement of loading and unloading charges at provincial ports, and shipping enterprises independently developing container liner routes in accordance with relevant national policies for key projects of provincial multimodal transport demonstration projects and integrated transport and logistics park demonstration projects. (Anhui Government Office (2019) No. 4, municipal governments)

◈ 36. Encourage the development of cross-border e-commerce of agricultural products, and reward rural e-commerce enterprises within 1 million yuan if the annual online export turnover of agricultural products reaches more than 500,000 US dollars. (Anhui Government Office Secretary (2019) No. 76, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 37. Improve the online public service (customs clearance) platform of cross-border e-commerce, promote the online public service (customs clearance) platform of China (Hefei) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone to cover the province, and provide financial support to the operation and maintenance enterprises of online public service (customs clearance) platform that serve more than 50 cross-border e-commerce enterprises and have an annual online transaction volume of more than 10 million US dollars. A single platform can reach 1 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office (2018) No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance, Hefei Municipal Government)

◈ 38. Encourage comprehensive cross-border e-commerce service platforms to provide comprehensive services such as customs declaration and inspection, logistics, tax refund, settlement, credit insurance, financing and other professional services on behalf of cross-border e-commerce enterprises in the province, and provide financial support to platforms that serve more than 30 cross-border e-commerce enterprises or whose annual online transaction volume is more than 10 million US dollars. A single platform can reach 3 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 39. Support the construction of third-party cross-border payment platforms, and provide one-time financial support to those third-party payment platforms that have obtained the "Payment Business License" of the People's Bank of China and meet the cross-border payment standards, carry out cross-border e-commerce settlement in our province, and have an annual online settlement transaction volume of more than 200 million US dollars. Each payment platform can reach 1 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Administration of Foreign Exchange)

◈ 40. Support cross-border e-commerce enterprises to establish domestic offline experience stores. For those with a business area of more than 500 square meters, operating for more than 1 year, and annual online sales of imported commodities exceeding 1 million US dollars, one-time construction capital support will be provided according to the standard of 100 yuan/square meter, and a single enterprise can reach 500,000 yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 41. Encourage cross-border e-commerce enterprises to establish overseas offline experience stores. For those with a business area of more than 500 square meters, operating for more than one year and annual online transaction volume of more than 1 million US dollars, a one-time construction fund support will be given according to 10% of the fixed asset investment of the year, and a single enterprise can reach 1 million yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 42. Support postal and express delivery companies in improving cross-border public service capabilities. If the cross-border e-commerce mail volume of postal companies through the Hefei International Mail Exchange Bureau and the express mail volume of express companies through the Hefei International Express Supervision Center exceeds 500,000 annually, a financial support of 20,000 yuan will be given for every 1 percentage point increase, and a single company can reach 500,000 yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Postal Administration, China Post Group Anhui Branch)

◈ 43. Support the construction of bonded warehouses in special customs supervision areas and bonded logistics centers (Type B) for online shopping bonded import business. If the area of a single bonded warehouse is more than 10,000 square meters and the annual turnover of warehouse goods is more than 10 million US dollars, a one-time investment of 5% will be given to the fixed assets, which can reach 2 million yuan for a single enterprise. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 44. Cross-border e-commerce enterprises are encouraged to rent bonded warehouses in special customs supervision areas and bonded logistics centers (Type B) to carry out online shopping bonded import business. If the annual online sales volume of imported goods exceeds 2 million US dollars and the annual operating cost of the bonded warehouse exceeds 300,000 yuan, 10% of the actual cost will be provided for financial support, up to 200,000 yuan for a single enterprise. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 45. Encourage schools and enterprises to jointly build cross-border e-commerce training bases, strengthen cross-border e-commerce operation skills training, and encourage cross-border e-commerce skills competitions. For qualified social training institutions, depending on the annual number of trainees, the passing rate of the training, the number of people staying in the province after the training and other factors, the training institutions will be given financial support of up to 100,000 yuan. (Anhui Government Office [2018] No. 46, Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Provincial Department of Finance)

◈ 46. Industry leaders and key enterprises are encouraged to open up various resources based on Internet platforms and provide innovation and entrepreneurship services to the public. The main platform enterprises whose annual revenue of entrepreneurship projects within the platform exceeds 100 million yuan, 500 million yuan and 1 billion yuan will be given one-time awards of 200,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan and 1 million yuan respectively. (Wanzheng [2018] No. 95, Provincial Economic and Information Technology Department)

Editor/Zhongke Hanhai Qingzhou

Source/Provincial Party Committee, Provincial government, etc